Transport Training

Home » Transport Training

This page contains resources specifically aimed at trainers working in the Transport sector. This is a broad area and, therefore, the learning materials provided cover several different sides of the Transport sector applied to the concept of Circular Economy.  Building on the generic training provided, the training in this area considers the following aspects:

  • Units 8A and 8B consider different aspects of logistics applied to the circular economy, such as planning, equipment and transportation of goods from the source to customers, as well as the use of IT applications.
  • Unit 8C focuses on urban and integrated freight, as well as the benefits of implementing and using the so-called reverse logistics system, aiming at a circular economy approach.
  • Units 9A and 9B look at the transportation and movement of people as excellent opportunities to implement and support sustainability and the principles of circular thinking, also presenting some examples of good-practice in the form of case studies.
  • Unit 10A focuses on the innovation aspect of the materials and components that can be used to manufacture vehicles under a circular economy mindset. Unit 10 B talks about electrical and hydrogen vehicles as clear examples of the right way to look forward and, finally, Unit 10C is centred in the importance of digitalizing the Transport sector, also presenting some good-practice case studies.

The materials provided include (a) a presentation in powerpoint suitable for downloading and adapting to training needs, (b) an interactive version of the power point, (c) an interactive question exercise and (d) a learning plan for use with vocational students.














