Agriculture Training

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Agriculture and farming provide essential services to society through the food we eat and the stewardship and care of our land.  At the same time the sector handles a significant amount of resources that are brought onto the farm in the form of nutrients for example, and produce a significant amount of on-farm waste and spoilage.

This module explores four broad themes in relation to agriculture practices and the circular economy.

Unit 11A and B looks at the use of nutrients and specialist chemicals and how these can be reduced wherever possible, since they do represent a cost to the farm business.

Unit 12A and B focus on how to avoid food waste, by selling to local markets or finding outlets for rejected produce from retailers and how best to handle certain foods to avoid wastage.

Unit 13A and B looks to the management of wastes on the farm and how such wastes can be put to beneficial use.

Finally, the relationship between farming and climate change is explored in Unit 14A and B.

The materials provided include (a) a presentation in powerpoint suitable for downloading and adapting to training needs, (b) an interactive version of the power point, (c) an interactive question exercise and (d) a learning plan for use with vocational students.




















